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  • Writer's pictureKyle Cupido



We recently held the Selwyn ECD Graduation & Concert filled with smiles, music and dance! There was so much excitement and fun — we truly appreciate everyone who came down to support the children. For the past few months, they’ve been practising hard to perform in front of their parents/loved ones! What a sight it was that day.

We celebrated the graduation of our Grade R students who’ll be stepping into a new phase of their education next year. While it makes us tear to see them go, we are proud of each and every one of them. We wish them the very best, speak positivity over their life, and hope that they will have a valuable education moving forward!

We would like to thank everyone who made the Selwyn ECD Graduation & Concert a success. Thank you to Generation for Change for their dance performances as well. Thank you to our ECD teachers especially, for their dedication towards the children.

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

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