Bullying has become a huge problem in and out of schools. Teachers face huge challenges with children in various schools that create problems within the school and out of school.
We were extremely proud of one school that approached us for assistance with their Anti-Bullying Campaign with all their grades. We were also very motivated to see the interest from the learners and their involvement finding solutions to these type of learners that disrupts the lives of others. There were students that expressed openly about bullying and also some that only listened attentively. It was amazing the things that came out, but they were also very shocked to hear the different types of Bullying. The sad case is when cases are reported and the police chase them away saying the things reported to us, you must solve yourself. Bullying is a crime and a violation of people's rights. Stop Bullying today as it destroys lives. Do not be a bystander, but be part of the Change. Bullying stops with You.