A new study came out describing South Africa as one of the worst places for a woman to live, very scary but the power lays in our hands, we are able to make the change, our voice, together we can change the horrific situation on the violent abuse of women and children.
Today marks the last day of Women's Month but the not the end for the fight against domestic violence against women and children. As you read this the stats are increasing and someone is being raped or abused. Lets stand up and fight the good fight especially for the voices that can't be heard, for the little girl who is to scared to speak up cause she was threatened with her life or the woman who is in an abusive marriage. My child is your child, be the change you want to see in the world.
We should break the cycle by encouraging and inspiring women young and old to stand up and be heard! Women empowerment is an awesome tool drive this change and we need more men to get involved to tackle this issue.
Together We Can Make A Bigger Difference